Lion's Gate 888 Reiki Activation | Manifest Your Highest Potential

Описание к видео Lion's Gate 888 Reiki Activation | Manifest Your Highest Potential

In this powerful Reiki activation, we harness the transformative energies of the Lion's Gate Portal on this magical 8/8/8 day. The Lion's Gate is a cosmic alignment that opens a gateway for profound spiritual growth, manifestation, and healing. It's a time to connect with your highest potential, activate your inner power, and align with the abundance of the universe.

During this session, we'll tap into the energies of this portal and harness reiki healing to amplify our ability to manifest our deepest desires and step into our true, radiant selves.

During this session, you’ll experience:
✨ A guided meditation to open and align with the Lion’s Gate energies
✨ A powerful Reiki healing to release blockages and invite in divine light
✨ Visualization techniques to harness the cosmic energies
✨ Affirmations to anchor your intentions and empower your manifestation journey

00:00 - Lion's Gate
00:58 - #888 Numerology
01:45 - Reiki Energy Activation Meditation

This activation is perfect for anyone feeling called to step into their power, release old patterns, and embrace a new level of consciousness. Whether you're new to Reiki or an experienced practitioner, this session will help you align with the energies of the Lion’s Gate and manifest the life you desire. Allow yourself to relax, receive, and embrace the divine support flowing through this portal.

Join me in this sacred space and let’s co-create magic together! Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share this video with others who may benefit from this healing energy.

Much love and light!
Brie, AKA Stella Sage 🌟

#LionsGate #888 #ReikiActivation #Manifestation #SpiritualAwakening #StellaSage #energyhealing


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