Penaeus Monodon ! Tebar Kepadatan Panen Udang Windu

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Habitat and Biology : Penaeus monodon mature and breed only in tropical marine habitats and spend their larval juvenile adolescent and sub adult stages in coastal estuaries lagoons or mangrove areas. In the wild they show marked nocturnal activity burrowing into bottom substratum during the day and emerging at night to search for food as benthic feeders. Under natural conditions the giant tiger prawn is more of a predator than an omnivorous scavenger or detritus feeder than other panaeid shrimp. After moulting the new shell is still soft which causes prawns to become vulnerable and they may subsequently be eaten by their predators or companions. Adults are often found over muddy sand or sandy bottoms at 22-52 m depth in offshore waters. Wild males posses spermatozoa from around 36 g body weight and females becomes gravid from 72 g. Mating occurs at night shortly after moulting while the cuticle is still soft and sperm are subsequently kept in spermatophore inserted inside the closed thelycum of the female. There are five stages in ovarian maturation, undeveloped, developing, nearly ripe, ripe and spent. P. monodon females are highly fecund with gravid females producing as many as 500000 to 750000 eggs. Spawning occurs at night and fertilization is external with females suddently extruding sperm from the thelycum as eggs are laid in offshore waters. Hatching occurs 13-16 hours after fertilization. The larvae, termed nauplii are free swimming and resemble tiny aquatic spiders. This first stage in larval development does not feed but lives on its yolk reserve and passes rapidly through six moults. The next laral stages protozoea, mysis and early postlarvae respectively, remain planktonic for some time and are carried towards the shore by tidal currents. Protozoea which have feathery appendages and elongated bodies moult three times and then metamorphose into the mysis stage. Mysis which have segmented bodies, eyestalk and tails characteristic of adult shrimp also moult three times before metamorphosing into PL with similar characteristics to adult shrimp. The PL subsequently change their habit to feed on benthic detritus, polychaete worms and small crustaceans after PL 7. Juvenile and adolescent stages can tolerate salinity conditions as low as 1-3%. This culture system is found in all penaeus monodon producing countries and is commonly practiced in Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia and Australia. Ponds are generally small (0.1 to 1.0 ha) with a square or rectangular shape. Stocking density ranges from 22 to 62 PL/M2. Penaeus Monodon ! Tebar Kepadatan Panen Udang Windu.......

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