Journey Across the Royal Continent – Albion Online

Описание к видео Journey Across the Royal Continent – Albion Online

Good morning, adventurers!

The journey continues across the Royal Continent! After spending the night in Fort Sterling, today I’m heading to Lymhurst to refine my fiber and then making my way to Bridgewatch. Once there, I’ll gear up for some gathering in the mists, hoping to find valuable resources and treasures.

After gathering, it’s time for open-world adventures—roaming freely and taking on whatever challenges or surprises Albion throws my way. Who knows where we’ll end up by the end of the day?

Let’s hit the road and see where this journey leads!

#AlbionOnline #RoyalContinent #FiberRefining #GatheringInTheMists #OpenWorldAdventures #Bridgewatch #MMORPG #AlbionMMO #AlbionExploration #AlbionGathering


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