5 Minute Demo Dare: Running Llama 2 in Snowflake

Описание к видео 5 Minute Demo Dare: Running Llama 2 in Snowflake

Introducing Snowflake's new Demo Dare series, where contestants will demo original Snowflake products/features live in 5 minutes or less. Our judges will rate the demo based on three categories, and the top three demo scorers will have a chance to compete at this year's Snowflake Summit.

Join host Felipe Hoffa for our first episode with Snowflake Product Manager Jeff Hollan as he races against the clock to showcase how to run Llama 2 in Snowflake. Jeff's Github link: https://github.com/Snowflake-Labs/sno....

For those of you wanting to pick up the full demo from where it broke during the live, it is at 21:28.

Do you have what it takes? For a chance to be featured on our show, submit your own demo audition video at snowflake.com/snowflake-demo-dare.


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