Shrine Mian Mir | Darbar Hazrat Mian Mir | Historic Monuments of Lahore | Chughtai Public Library

Описание к видео Shrine Mian Mir | Darbar Hazrat Mian Mir | Historic Monuments of Lahore | Chughtai Public Library

Chughtai Public Library’s Historic Monuments of Lahore Project Intends to compile the history of all monuments in Lahore along with Videography and Photography to show the historical & cultural heritage of Pakistan which will be beneficial for researchers, historians and tourists as well as would add value to build a soft image of Pakistan.
#DarbarHazratMianMir #ShrineofMianmir #MughalMonuments #ChughtaiPublicLibrary #HistoricMonumentsofLahore #LahoreMonuments


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