The Drydock - Episode 267

Описание к видео The Drydock - Episode 267

00:00:00 - Intro

00:00:58 - Do any other intermediate designs for UK light cruisers with 6 inch guns exist between the Leanders and the Towns?

00:05:31 - What would the crew or operator of landing craft do after unloading troops or supplies?

00:08:00 - We always talk about what happens when a Naval shell hits it's target. But what happens to the shell if it misses it's target?

00:12:04 - How much damage could WWII-era Japanese or British torpedoes have inflicted if they’d used Torpex instead of enriched TNT mixtures for their warheads?

00:18:17 - Could Italy/France have upgraded their battleships firepower in the inter-war period?

00:23:05 - Why didn't the Japanese convert Ises and Fusos to CVs and continue to build Tosas and Amagis?

00:28:22 - During WWII, what happened to surviving sailors after their ships were sunk, damaged or otherwise put out of commission?

00:32:26 - Why was the Russian navy so far behind other countries in Europe especially in the era of steam and the age of sail?

00:37:20 - Was the British navy encouraged to steal instead of burn valuable provisions taken during the many raids. How much value where they able to extract?

00:40:19 - The conversion of SMS Lothringen

00:43:56 - Flights, batches, subclasses, and types within the same class of vessel: what are the differences, and when did they start?

00:49:52 - Thermoclines and ASW in WW2?

00:52:57 - Would Halsey have run the US carriers into the Japanese guns after Midway?

00:57:25 - It seems the frigates were work horses of the age of sail. Is the detached frigate as show in Master and Commander typical?

01:00:49 - Was the Confederacy’s quest to obtain foreign built ironclads a fool’s errand?


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