Experiment Randomisation & Blindness

Описание к видео Experiment Randomisation & Blindness

Forget experts' opinions, projects, case studies, learned lessons, or even literature review recommendations. It is only randomized controlled trials that can provide insights with a high level of confidence. The groups of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) can arrive at an overall estimate of the effect of the intervention under consideration with high confidence. Therefore, researchers must design procedures that assure randomization and blinding when conducting experimental research. Randomization in research design is the key to ensuring the highest level of evidence.

This video aims to 1) enhance your knowledge about randomization and blindness when conducting experiments and 2) avoid bias and increase the internal validity of your study). Randomization and Blinding are key features of clinical trials aiming for a valuable study outcome. Randomization: permits the use of probability theory to express the likelihood of chance as a source for the difference between outcomes. A blind — or blinded — study is an experiment in which information about the test is masked (kept) from the participant to reduce or eliminate bias until after a trial outcome is known. It is understood that bias may be intentional or unconscious. Thus, no dishonesty is implied by blinding. Both randomization and blinding are common methods to guarantee higher-quality outcomes of clinical trials by preventing any subjective biases and maximizing the study result’s validity.

01:15 Randomization
03:33 Sampling
05:48 Blindness
06:44 Biases
08:33 Conclusion


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