Canadian Army Newsreel No. 38

Описание к видео Canadian Army Newsreel No. 38

38.1 First Canadian Army Attacks
Flashback – A Canadian Army formation goes into the field for the first time; Lieutenant General H.D.G. Crerar and staff prepare for the transfer of troops to the invasion force while onboard a Canadian destroyer bound for France; a prayer service on board the destroyer; General Montgomery at the Caen Hinge.

38.2 General Keller Inspects Brigade
A parade by elements of the 3rd Canadian Division at Normandy; Major General R.F.L. Keller inspects the men; Keller tells troops of the attack plans on a loudspeaker (no live sound).

38.3 Mobile Dental Clinic
A dental clinic pulls up to camp; a dentist sets up his office; a dentist pulls out a soldier’s tooth; the dentist makes an impression for a denture; a dental workshop where the dentures are made; the patient eats hardtack with his new teeth.

38.4 Round-Up
Meat rationing in Canada is suspended; cowboys stand around their camp; cowboys mount up; cattle round-up over plains, rocky ground, and water; cows are herded into railway cars; the train rolls out.

38.5 Flashes from France
The Royal Canadian Engineers build a prefabricated pontoon bridge on the Orne River; a tank is hauled across the water; a mini German-made radio-controlled Beetle tank that carries explosives. Salvage units collect shell casings into a large pile; men unload salvage equipment. The Windmill Theatre, situated inside a cave, provides a venue for the Canadian Army show; dancing women; invasion forces sit before a portable stage to watch a ballroom dancing number and a country dance number.


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