BOSS GE-7 Equalizer as Preamp and Cabinet Simulator | Metal Zone.

Описание к видео BOSS GE-7 Equalizer as Preamp and Cabinet Simulator | Metal Zone.

Video 1: Using the BOSS GE-7 Equalizer guitar pedal as a preamp and cabinet simulator for direct recording and live performances. The Boss Metal Zone MT2, GE7, and Boss RV-3 are connected directly to the audio interface, and the same settings are used for live shows. For a quick test of the CLEAN tone, skip to 2:58 . If you enjoy this content, please consider subscribing here:

I want to clarify that there are no amplifiers or post-production alterations involved. The sound you hear in the video did not go through any external speakers. Instead, the signal went from the pedals into the audio interface and was recorded by the DAW on the computer's hard drive.

After saving the recording in WAV format, the audio was imported into Sony Vegas and synchronized with the video recorded by the camera. The ambient audio captured by the camera was subsequently removed from Vegas, leaving only the video along with the WAV audio recorded by the DAW.

It's important to let you know that my Yamaha monitors are always turned off during video recording. I rely on headphones for monitoring while I record.

Thanks to everyone for your support!

►►Watch all Boss GE-7 as Cabinet Simulation videos here (Full Playlist):
   • BOSS GE-7  

►Video 2: Boss GE-7    • BOSS GE7 Equalizer as Preamp and Cabi...   (SD-1, OD-2r, BD-2, DS-1 and MD-2);
►Video 3: Boss GE-7 John Mayer, Eric Johnson, SRV, Andy Timmons    • BOSS GE-7 as Preamp and Cabinet Simul...  
►Video 4 Guv'Nor + GE-7 as Cab Simulator:    • BOSS GE-7 as Cabinet Simulator MARSHA...  

Metal Zone Playlist:    • BOSS Metal Zone MT-2  
Boss Pedals Playlist:    • BOSS PEDALS  

***Thanks to Nick Neblo for the great backing track "Atmospheric Pads Sad Guitar Backing Track A Minor":    • Atmospheric Pads Sad Guitar Backing T...  

Used a PRS SE Soapbar II Maple / Seymour Duncan 59 neck and TB11 bridge.

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