Improve Your Duck Dive In 4 Simple Steps.

Описание к видео Improve Your Duck Dive In 4 Simple Steps.

🏄‍♂️ Surfers need to have good duck diving skills. Duck diving is one of those skills you have to master before you continue with your surfing progression! Getting your duck dive dialled in, will open a whole lot of new possibilities and you will experience surfing with more confidence. saving energy and time allowing for more wave riding.
🌊 Two moving forces in duck diving: momentum and the force of the water itself.
💨 Momentum is important to maintain balance and push the board through the wave.
🌊 Understanding the force of the wave helps in diving under the turbulence and using the wave’s energy to resurface.
🔄 Initiate the duck dive close to the breaking wave, get deep under the explosion of foam, and resurface by extending the board and activating the core.

0:00 - Intro : Dive into the art of mastering the duck dive in surfing.

1:00 - Fundamentals of Moving Forces : Discover the pivotal role of Momentum and the intricacies of the Force of Water in surfing. Can you harness the energy of a wave?

3:30 - Mastering the Timing & Flow : Unravel the secrets behind the perfect timing for duck diving and how to achieve a mesmerizing rhythm beneath the waves. Are you in tune with the ocean?

6:00 - The Art of Resurfacing : Explore techniques to emerge smoothly, maintaining impeccable control over your board. Ready to glide effortlessly?

7:30 - Avoiding Common Pitfalls : Sidestep the frequent blunders every surfer must be wary of. Are you making these mistakes?

9:00 - Pro Tips for Perfection : Elevate your duck diving skills with expert tips tailored for both rookies and seasoned surfers. Hungry for those game-changing insights?

11:00 - Conclusion : Reflect on the journey of mastering the duck dive and the profound impact it can have on your surfing odyssey. Ready to ride the waves like a pro?

Understanding the Two Moving Forces:

Momentum: Essential when paddling up to a wave before performing a duck dive. It ensures stability and maintains the board in a straight line. If you lack speed and push down, the board may wobble or pop up, making it more challenging to proceed.
Force of Water: Understanding the intrinsic forces of the wave is crucial. Waves have energy at the top and at the bottom. The energy at the bottom (draw) dictates the wave's overall power. When diving, surfers should aim to go underneath the wave's turbulence and come up through the back, where the wave's force can help pull them up to the surface.

Proper Timing:

Initiating the duck dive involves determining when to push the board under. Ideally, a surfer should try to get as close to the wave as possible. This way, they can go under the wave's energy and avoid getting caught in turbulence.
Achieving a Rhythm/Flow State:

When under the wave, surfers should try to maintain a flow, almost bending their body in harmony with the wave. By pushing the board through and extending it, surfers can avoid getting pulled back and sucked over by the wave's energy.


After diving under, the resurfacing technique involves extending the board out as if pushing off a pool wall. Many people just let their bodies go limp, but activating the core helps maintain stability and control of the board. It's essential to glide through the water smoothly when resurfacing.

Common Mistakes:
Many stop paddling when they see the wave coming, which reduces momentum and makes the duck dive less effective.
Some don't push the tail down, leaving it exposed to the wave's energy, causing them to get dragged backward.
Ditching the board can be a risk to other surfers nearby. It's crucial to be aware of the surrounding environment to ensure everyone's safety.
Depending on the wave's power, surfers can either push with the knee for less intense waves or the foot for deeper duck dives.


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