A Low-Impact Aquafit Class That's Easy On Your Joints

Описание к видео A Low-Impact Aquafit Class That's Easy On Your Joints

Join me in my Low Impact Aquafit class. You'll feel the burn as we work out in the water together while keeping your joints happy and healthy!

00:00 Intro
00:33 Warm-up Walk
01:05 Jog
01:39 Jog Variations
02:40 Ski
02:59 Ski Variations
04:03 Jax
04:20 Jax Variations
05:48 Break
06:00 Jog
06:10 Rocking Horse
07:17 Jog
07:28 Pendulum
07:48 Jog
07:58 Bent-Knee Front Kick
08:31 Bent-Knee Front Kick Variations
09:19 Jog
09:30 Straight-Leg Front Kick
10:18 Cool-down Jog
10:31 End of Workout
10:50 Building my 60+ Aquafit program


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