ELSA - FROZEN (With Arteza)

Описание к видео ELSA - FROZEN (With Arteza)

★ A R T E Z A ★

-10% coupon code, valid until 2019 November 20th : AnastaziaCustom3

◦◦◦◦◦ General Arteza website ◦◦◦◦◦
USA : http://arteza.com/?a_aid=Youtube_Anas...
EUROPE : https://arteza.co.uk/?a_aid=Anastazia...

◦◦◦◦◦ Metallic Acrylic Paint ◦◦◦◦◦
Set of 12 : https://arteza.com/collections/acryli...
Set of 36 : https://arteza.com/products/metallic-...

Set of 12 : https://arteza.co.uk/products/metalli...
Set of 36 : https://arteza.co.uk/products/metalli...

You can find affiliate links in this video and description. So if you click on one of those product links, I'll receive a small commission and you won't pay more. This would really help supporting me and my channel, allowing me to continue making videos for you to watch. Thank you very much for all your support !


★C O W O R K E R S ★

Artwork by Gladzy Kei : https://www.instagram.com/gladzykei/?...
Outfit by Furyli :   / furyli  


★ C O N T A C T ★

Facebook :   / anastaziacustom  
Instagram :   / anastaziacustom  
@mail : [email protected]


★ Q U E S T I O N S ★

F.A.Q :    • FAQ (english sub)  
F.A.Q 2 :    • FAQ - 2  


★ S U P P O R T M E ★

Patreon :   / anastaziacustom  
Tipeee : https://fr.tipeee.com/anastaziacustom


★ M U S I C S ★



★ S U B T I T L E S ★

Thank you so much Eliette for the subtitles in English ♥.
You can help me to translate my videos in your language :

Every single Tutorial on my channel is made with love and hard work, so don't forget to leave a Like, comment and share... :)


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