DCS: F-16C and F/A-18C Velocity Radar Modes Update

Описание к видео DCS: F-16C and F/A-18C Velocity Radar Modes Update

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Purchase DCS: F/A-18C

In this video, we’ll cover two new velocity-based radar modes coming to the Viper and F/A-18C. For the Viper, we have added Velocity Search with Ranging, or VSR mode, and the F/A-18C, Velocity Search, or VS mode has been added. Let’s talk about both.

VSR mode is a new Combined Radar Mode, or CRM, or the Viper radar that can provide additional detection range of nose-on aspect targets. VSR interleaves High Pulse Repetition Frequency, or HPRF, with Medium Pulse Repetition Frequency, or MPRF, but it does not support Situation Awareness Mode, or SAM. The HPRF acts as an alert scan in which the target is detected along with its angle and velocity. The following MPRF scan determines range information. Note that this will only be effective when the nose of the target is in high aspect to you. Once a target is detected in VSR, it can be designated and tracked as a Single Target Track, or STT.

This can be a useful mode to detect and lock onto high aspect targets at greater ranges than possible in Range While Search and Track While Scan CRM modes.

VS mode in the F/A-18C works quite a bit differently. When selected from the radar format page, VS mode provides the most powerful radar mode, capable of detecting targets at the greatest range. However, whereas VS mode will provide target azimuth and closing velocity, no range information is provided. VS transmits only in HPRF with a high average power out setting.

Note that the higher the closing velocity, the higher to the top of the display will the target brick be. Maximum closure speed is 2,400 knots at the top of the display.

Target returns are presented on the b-scope as velocity versus azimuth. Again, it does not indicate range. If there is insufficient target closure, it will not be detected and displayed. As such, VS will only detect targets that are nose-on aspect. If the target is in high aspect, VS is only marginally affected by look down.


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