Working with Data - Building a Shiny App for Dynamic Visualization

Описание к видео Working with Data - Building a Shiny App for Dynamic Visualization

00:00 - Intro Videos
00:36 - Introduction and Overview of what Shiny can do
06:34 - Opening up default Shiny Web App (Old Faithful Overview)
09:35 - Widget Gallery
10:22 - Overview of code structure for a Shiny app
11:10 - Overview of ui and adding to fluidPage
14:48 - server part of the app
15:05 - Learn by doing: Old Faithful app: 7 tasks
16:12 - Task 1: change title of app
18:05 - Task 2: dynamically changing axis label
20:41 - Task 3: add radiobutton to select variable being visualized
28:15 - Task 4: add summary() of variable to app
32:26 - Task 5: add helpful text narrative between histogram and summary
35:44 - Task 6: add scatterplot to app
38:24 - Task 7: adding checkbox to flip axes on the scatterplot
42:46 - Exit Video


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