Meet Brooke: Her Rett Syndrome Story

Описание к видео Meet Brooke: Her Rett Syndrome Story

Brooke Allen has Rett Syndrome.
Rett Syndrome is a rare neurological disorder that strikes primarily young girls. It is a debilitating neurological disorder diagnosed almost exclusively in females. Rett Syndrome has been thought to affect 1 in 10,000 females. It is now believed, however, that the prevalence rate of Rett may be much higher. Although rare, it is possible for boys to also have the disorder.

Children with the disorder are born without any signs of the syndrome, but they lose their ability to speak by the age of two. Then the children become profoundly disabled, requiring 24 hour assistance with every aspect of daily living.

Listen to Justin and Katie Allen, Brooke's parents, what it means living with Rett Syndrome.
To learn more about Rett Syndrome go to


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