Guitar Hero DLC - "Twilight of the Thunder God" Expert Guitar 100% FC (485,906)

Описание к видео Guitar Hero DLC - "Twilight of the Thunder God" Expert Guitar 100% FC (485,906)

Twilight of the Thunder God - Amon Amarth
Pack - Metal Track Pack
Release date - January 21, 2010

Certified banger. Tune. Jam. All of these words apply. This was definitely one of the most popular GH DLC songs, and for good reason, it's very fun and tough on each instrument (except vocals). It's a real test of endurance on every instrument too, but especially drums and bass. It's almost like 2 minutes of near-constant fast strumming and fast double bass. I can still remember the pain I felt in my arm when I first FC'd this song on bass lmao

Squeezing this song is quite tricky. The first activation is nasty — the activation point is on the 10th Y of what I consider the 6th set of Y strums, then the back end is on an SP RB sustain. It's a double squeeze, and it's really not hard to let SP run out before whammying, which is good because you need all the whammy you can get for the next activation. The activation and end point doesn't really matter for this one, so I just chose a point that was easy to remember beginning and end. I could probably get another note under SP with ideal whammy, but it's quite tough. 3rd act isn't too bad, just need to be cautious about not dropping ticks on the back end. The last act is quite similar to the first, but I had an AWFUL front end on this run and missed 400 on the back, unfortunately.

My scores:


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