Boots on the Ground, Memorial Day Tribute

Описание к видео Boots on the Ground, Memorial Day Tribute

Get ready to be inspired and moved by the Boots on the Ground event at Fort Adams in Newport, RI!

This short film captures the essence of Memorial Day Weekend and the incredible sacrifice of our brave service members who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the Global War on Terror. With almost 7,000 combat boots adorned with flags and placards, the memorial is a powerful reminder of the human cost of war. Each boot represents a life lost, and the attached placard tells the story of the fallen hero, displaying their name, photo, biographical information, military branch, rank, and circumstances of death.

As you watch this short film, you'll be filled with a deep sense of gratitude and respect for our brave men and women in uniform. Don't miss out on this opportunity to honor their sacrifice and remember their legacy. Join us as we pay tribute to the fallen and show our unwavering support for those who continue to serve our nation.



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