'The Vlad Couch' Ft. Immortal Technique (Ep. 17) Full Interview

Описание к видео 'The Vlad Couch' Ft. Immortal Technique (Ep. 17) Full Interview

http://www.vladtv.com - Intellectual individual Immortal Technique always covers a lot of what other rappers refuse to talk about, in both real-life conversations and his music. "I'm trying to make in-depth music about things that matter to people and things that need a little more analysis." From political regime to breeding camps, Immortal Technique is knowledgeable in a plethora of areas, and is never afraid to vocalize his opinion, even when it comes to standing up to people in jail.

As he served a year bid, Immortal Technique stood up for a young man who was being targeted by two older men. A lot of people believe being gay stems from jail culture, a stance this political emcee doesn't side with. If anything, Immortal Technique feels trauma influences homosexuality, especially after hearing Antoine Dodson's story and knowing someone personally whose experience caused them to switch sides.

Immortal Technique also shares his thoughts on Creflo Dollar requesting (and later receiving approval for) a $65 million jet, classism, and Tom Hanks' son, Chet Haze, who feels it's okay to use the n-word although he's White. "You can't love hip-hop without loving the people that created it," he states, advising Chet Haze to do some research on the Black culture and fully submerge in it before he claims to be a part of a community he's long aspired to be in. "Learn something about us, because you can't just be along for the ride when you think it's cool to use that word."

Press play to hear his views on Barack Obama - a man he says "has the face of helping dreamers" -, going back to the hood after reaching a certain level of fame, and the political impact Tupac Shakur would've had if he were alive today on the latest episode of "The Vlad Couch."


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