Thank you to my mum for making my outfit (from scratch!) and doing our makeup.
Thank you to Etch for dressing up as Old ugly Pennywise even tho he wanted to be a sexy zombie!
And thank you to the Katie and Kelly for the awesome house party and letting me film! It was a very fun night!
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Here's the lyrics -
+Old pennywise vs new pennywise
(Old pennywise)
Hi there Georgie, you wanna balloon?
See I sounded like a monster not a kiddies cartoon.
You gotta speak real deep and exentuate the syllables
Not mumble like pussyo and desecrate the original..
I’m pennywise the clown and I terrorised the nineties,
already put the role to bed so nighty fing nighty..
See you got all it wrong coz you look so unnaproachable
You’re supposed to look adorable and get the kids emotional,
You miss the point entirely, I’m pennywise the clown..
Whats the point in changing form if ur already horrifying..
You’re a joke pennywise, got me laughin got me bellyaching,
A regurgitated character in a string of crappy remakes
First they ruined Jason, and then they spoiled freddy,
was only a matter of time before they came after penny,
Remember where you came from the mind Stephen king,
Now you whore the streets of tinsel town and ride wave the of stranger things
If it broke don’t fix it, my performance was exeptional,
But all you do is prance around and pander to millennials,
I hunt the kids all day and I watch them while they sleep,
All you care about is Hollywood vote me Beep Beep
We all float down here,
Gotcha boat down here,
Cut throats ear to ear,
Kiddies feed me fear,
We all float down here,
Gotcha boat down here,
Cut throats ear to ear,
Kiddies feed me fear,
(New pennywise)
You call me the whore of tinsel town, well you're damn right!
I'm on every billboard, magazine and website,
The YouTube views spike when my name they use,
and The ladies all swoon yea I'm the one they choose,
While you your a loser dude look like a kiddy fiddler,
I'm a kiddy killer, legendary like mikes thriller,
Sold over a 100m in my first weekend,
And I'm set to make a billion by the time I'm returning,
You see I get a sequel, you don't cus your not equal,
No one even knew about your original,
Hahaha that's a real lasting impression you made,
You're as noticeable as a shadow cast in the shade,
In fact the only good thing you did was fade,
It gave me the opportunity to portray,
A terrifying demon keen on killing kiddies,
My pennywise will live on for many decades,
Shivers are given when people see my face,
While Mr bean gives you the finger when he sees you wave,
Hahahaha your performance is funny,
I put on your horror show when I want a comedy,
We all float down here,
Gotcha boat down here,
Cut throats ear to ear,
Kiddies feed me fear,
We all float down here,
Gotcha boat down here,
Cut throats ear to ear,
Kiddies feed me fear,
(Old pennywise)
Yo Hollywise but I'm sorry but don't believe your theories,
You say u got sequal I got a whole damn series,
Cant believe that you bring up all the money that you've made,
All that pennywise should think of is a row of little graves,
You brag of easy money but u fail to recognise,
I invested in the studio coz I'm really pennywise,
Never made a lasting impact is a statement to retract,
But you fail to get a single kill is a matter of fact,
You calling me a joke and u even bring in bean,
But you only got role coz u stripped for Weinstein,
(New pennywise)
Me?! Please?! Harvey ain't my cup of tea,
Sometimes I haunt his dreams by being an independent lady,
But nothings as scary as when you turned into a spider,
You looked as goofy as the actor rob Schneider,
I'm the igniter kids call me lit like a fire,
Thank god my film didn't use the same screenwriter,
Horrors an art, you tore it apart,
You can't do scary you're just an old fart,
It needed a heart, I played the part,
The best thing for king was this fresh start,
You slacking with scares in the film I breed fears,
so Pack up those tears, your ending is near,
And do it quick I am in a hurry,
You are no longer hot like a curry,
We all float down here,
Gotcha boat down here,
Cut throats ear to ear,
Kiddies feed me fear,
We all float down here,
Gotcha boat down here,
Cut throats ear to ear,
Kiddies feed me fear
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