How To Make Traditional Danish Klejner And Mønske Klejner Christmas Cookies

Описание к видео How To Make Traditional Danish Klejner And Mønske Klejner Christmas Cookies

Two Ways To Make Both Traditional Klejner And Mønske Klejner Christmas Cookies 🎅🏼
♥ Ingredients ♥
8-10 oz flour
1/2 cup heavy cream, 110F
1/2 tsp yeast
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
2 eggs
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
2 tbsp snaps or lemon peel
-oil for frying
-confectioners sugar and jelly for serving
It's not Christmas (Jul) without both making and eating the Klejner cookies. In my family we made both a specific type of klejner called Mønske klejner and traditional klejner. My Danish mom learned how to make Klejner homemade from watching her Danish mother, who learned how to make the Christmas cookie from watching her Danish mother etc. As you can see our family has enjoyed Mønske klejner and traditional Klejner for many years. Did you know that Klejner is known either as kleinur or klenät or fattigmann or kleynur?
Klassisk kage der specielt spises til jul. Se og hør hvordan man laver den gamle småkage-klassiker.
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Our Scandinavian Today Cooking Show includes Nordic recipes including Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish
♥ You might be interested in other Nordic cooking videos including
Our Cookie Recipes
Our Cake Recipes
Our Christmas Recipes

These recipes are perfect for family dinners and the holiday season. Please let us know what you think! Glædelig Jul and Merry Christmas♥ !

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We are Karen Grete & Heidi (mother/daughter team). We are excited about Scandinavian - Nordic art, travel and of course FOOD! We have over 200 Nordic recipes.
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We have a treasure of traditional and modern Scandinavian dishes. Our MUST-TRY recipes are delicious, simple, and many times easy-to-find ingredients. The dishes are perfect if you're a beginner or just a person who wants to eat well. A gastronomic experience for all! Let's get cooking Nordic foods!
Karen Grete and Heidi


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