Tokio Hotel 12.09.09 Leute Heute Interview

Описание к видео Tokio Hotel 12.09.09 Leute Heute Interview

Your new album releases in the beginning of october, how satisfied are you with the result?
Bill: were very satisfied, its very exciting, because weve produced very long, worked very long at it. Its like a baby, you dont know what youre doing somehow. Youre doing something you like and youre happy with it, and then the time comes when its released, and were really nervous.And were really happy with it, we took our time, tried a lot of new things, and are really satisfied.

The title means humanoid, is that something personal or.. how did you come up with the title?
Tom: It is kinda personal, Humanoid was a little a feeling that accompanied Bill and me through life.Its like that until today.And we realised with writing songs for the album that the title fits to us.

For the first time the album is released in english and german at the same time, is it different to sing in english?
Bill: Well, it was a challenge to do both languages from the beginning, because last time we had more time, we translated afterwards.And it was more work than expected, because we made the texts in two languages and it takes two times longer. For example, the videos. But we didnt want to neglect any version.I had to get used to it, but nowadays.. Were kinda back to the beginning, to what we did in the beginning. When we started ten years ago, we started in german and english too. And now were doing that again. It feels good.

Whats it like to be famous in the USA and Canada?
Tom: Very good, of course. I mean, we hope to go to as much countries as possible.And we havent been to Japan until now, we still wanna do that. And its great, of course. Those cant be too much countries for us.

Are the fans different then here over there?
Tom: I think every fan is different, I dont think you can decide that in countries. You cant say its like that in Canada, and like that in France.

What was the experience like to do the photoshoot with Karl Lagerfelt, for the vogue?
Bill: It was a very good experience.Its like dreams you can make true in between and it was really nice.I was really excited that I was able to do that. We could get along well and I like him very much, it was really nice to work with him. It was a very nice photoshoot and it was really nice.

Did you know from the beginning what he wanted?
Bill:I think we can understand eachother really well, because were both perfectionists. I really know what I want, and he too. I think it was the fastes photoshoot I ever had and it went really well.

With the last album, things happend offstage, with stalkers. Are those the shadow-sides you have to live with?
Bill: It are the shadow-sides, the things the success takes along and you have to live with.It really is one of the negative things.

Did it get better, is it over now?
Bill:I dont think it will ever get over.
Tom: Well, were a lot away, and because of that we dont really get to know it. Because of that its a little hard to decide, but last year, when we produced the album, we tried to live completely privat. And than we realised that has become really hard.

You were accused of punching one of the stalkers, how is that now, is that still going on?
Tom: Yes, that..Yes.
Gustav, you were attacked with a beer-glass.That must have hurt, not?
Gustav: Yeah, yeah. It has hurt.
Tom: We have had really different things that have hurt, to be honest. We fight daily, that hurts much more.

As said, I believe youre the only one in a official relationship, Georg?
Georg: Yes, not only official. Im the only one thats taken.

How does it look like at the others?Nothing new?
Bill:With me like before, because of Tokio HotelYeah, there wasnt a relationship. I hope itll change sometime. Id love to tell something different, Im not the one to keep that a secret. Thats really stupid, not to say it. I hope itll happen sometime, of course.

What are your plans for next year?
Bill: We will be away a lot, we try to go to every country, to meet the fans, show the album and so.Were planning our tour now, we will play a really big tour in the beginning of 2010.So, theres something in our schedule. I believe in our schedule theres no free time anymore.

So, last question, because you lived completely private: did you miss everything, the concerts and so?
Bill: Well, its nice sometimes to not see each other every day. And when theres written so much shit, youll love to sit back and make music and so. It was actually only irritating. We were making the album and you want the people to hear that sometime, so it feels good to go out and to be ready with the album and I cant imagine not doing it for years or something like that. I need it.When youre not on stage for a long time, you want to do it again.


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