Adding more CV Inputs to NerdSeq using Expert Sleepers CVM-8 (and overcoming crazy config issues)

Описание к видео Adding more CV Inputs to NerdSeq using Expert Sleepers CVM-8 (and overcoming crazy config issues)

If you are like me (a nerd!) then you want to your NerdSeq to its full potential. I had already added Trigger16, CV16, and Multi-IO expanders. I also added a Michigan Synth Works F8R via I2C protocol. Yet still I (and Funston) wanted more than just the usual 4 CV Inputs. So I got a Expert Sleepers CVM-8 module that can provide 8 additional CV inputs via I2C. But as happened to some other people, my CVM-8 module happened to not have the proper firmware nor configuration installed. So most of this video is actually on overcoming those hurdles.

But it now works! And if you follow my instructions you can further expand your NerdSeq as well.


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