LumaFusion Polaroid Transition Tutorial by switch to i

Описание к видео LumaFusion Polaroid Transition Tutorial by switch to i

#LumaFusionPolaroidTransition #iosvideoediting #MerryChristmas
Today we are going to learn something very new called Polaroid Transition in @LumaTouch #lumafusion form scratch it’s is very useful effect for any travel video or can be use modified in any projects
I hope 🤞 if found this tutorial helpful / useful then please like share with lumafusion Community.
Comment below because it put smile :) on my face and encourages me to make more useful video for all of you.

Thank you for watching reading the description
#MerryChristmas 🎄 to everyone one #happyholiday
switch to i
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It will be very helpful for me, it will keep me going, and to create new enjoyable and useful content for you all guys.
Little help is a big help I believe so be kind and be happy love to all thank you very much.
Install free Custom font in lumafusion | #iphone #ipad #iOS
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Recorded using @Sony | Camera Channel #sonyzv1
All the content create using @Apple iPad Pro 2018
Edited with @lumatouch lumafusion iOS App
Be my friend 😄
  / switchtoi  
  / @switchtoi  
Email. [email protected]

Channel tags:
#lumafusion2.4 #finishedonmobile #mobileVideoEditing #editedwithlumafusion #freelumafusiontemplates #freelumafusionpreset #EditedWithiPad


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