Sonic: Can't Stop The Feeling

Описание к видео Sonic: Can't Stop The Feeling

Hello to you all!! I’m not really sure how or what to write honestly I’m so emotional right now, and trust me I’ve never been such for a long time! Back when I created the channel I was just a little kid having fun, trying to explore what I wanna do, what I like and I to just join the community itself, meet new people, have new experiences. Really I don’t know what I’d have done without all of you. Friends, Subscribers, co-editors. Really a thank you is not enough, not even this video is enough. I know it’s not the best video I’ve ever done but when inspiration is absent nothing can happen… this is the inspiration that came like a lightning but wouldn’t stay much so I grabbed the chance and made this.. Dedicated to all of you…all of you who helped me, supported me, and had faith in me and kept me goin forward… thank you for making a dream come true… thank you that you gave me a chance to improve… thank you for giving a chance to meet you, get to know you, work with you and thank you for still being with me here and keep goin forward… thank you for helping me to keep on dreaming… :’)) thank you for helping me grow up as an editor…but mostly as a person ♡ Thank you for being with me so many years. Thank you for 100.000 subs. Thank you thank you thank you :’(( i love you all so much and I hope and I will make it so good that you will never regret dreaming with me ♡♡ Next up…The Chaotic Duo ;)) I will make an official announcement soon!!! I hope you enjoy my video and let’s not stop the feeling!!


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