03 The Transfer Problem - Developoment Impact Part 3 - Recorded live @ CIIE 2021

Описание к видео 03 The Transfer Problem - Developoment Impact Part 3 - Recorded live @ CIIE 2021

The findings of Robert Brinkerhoff are not new to us HRD professionals: Usually, only 1 (!) out of 6 participants is able to apply learned things in real life. That's 15%. Which in turn means: 85% of resources invested in learning initiatives are wasted.

Not only in times of VUCA/BANI and pandemic, this is not satisfying at all, right?

But how to turn these numbers?
The answer is: Focus on transfer effectivness.

But how?

A question my dear colleague Dr. Ina Weinbauer asked in 2016. As it turned out, she wasn't the only one. For about 100 years, researchers already tried to find out what makes learning and sustainable behavior change possible. And they were highly successful doing so: In total, they found more than 100 indicators that influence the success of a learning attempt.

100 years of research, more than 100 things to keep in mind: Not very practical for anyone in charge of learning initiatives.

So what did Dr. Weinbauer do? She eliminated all factors we can not influence directly, like for example: cognitive abilities (aka intelligence) of learners.

And you see, the 12 Levers of Transfer Effectivness is what remained.

Hands-on and perfectly able to tackle the transfer problem of today's leadership development initiatives.

This is part 3 of the key speech called "Impact - Develop your people, enhance your company's success". Given by Masha Ibeschitz, chairperson from Think Beyond in collaboration with the Institute for Transfer Effectiveness.
Virtual session recorded live @ CIIE in December 2021.

Learn more about training transfer and people development impact at:


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