Taiwan Beats Showcase at SXSW Online 2021 | Enno Cheng, Fire EX., The Chairs and NekoJam

Описание к видео Taiwan Beats Showcase at SXSW Online 2021 | Enno Cheng, Fire EX., The Chairs and NekoJam

For over 30 years, it’s the first time for SXSW turning physical lives to online concerts this year. Taiwan Beats Showcase invites four Taiwanese bands, Enno Cheng, Fire EX., The Chairs and NekoJam to play outside of the venue box.

Embraced by natural spectaculars and wonders, there are 268 mountains over 3,000 meters, which marks Taiwan one of the countries with the highest density of high mountains in the world. First comes the interdisciplinary Enno Cheng, shifting between singer-songwriter, actor and writer, she allurres people with her contagious and soul touching sounds. Cheng empowers her works with intrepid and poetic perspectives. Into the wild, we hear beyond music.

In addition to the pioneering semiconductor industry, the national mask production team followed epidemic-prevention measures, Taiwan is renowned for the economic boom contributed by proficient factories and competent workers. Fire EX., nourished by the industrial city, Kaohsiung, fueled by fundamental punk rock, their music embodies this common touch to bound up with the masses. Fire EX. has inspired the ”we can be heroes“ moment for every anonymous Taiwanese, and that shapes them one of the epoch making bands of our time.

The Chair is an indie gem three-piece with duo vocals. Sparkling tunes with the dreamy classy psychedelic and jazzy gaze, this urban chic trio takes us on a good trip to the 80’s retrospective in Taiwan. The indoor shrimp fishing could be seen as Taiwanese Soirée bringing people closer. The everyday leisure later included Karaoke and stir-fried with multi layers of sensations, is exactly what The Chair has to offer, a very Taiwanese overwhelming banquet covering the luxury of tastes, sounds and visuals.

Taiwan is highly inclusive and diverse for its variant communities, languages and religions. Among all engaging vitality here, Taiwanese temple and shrine culture tops all, offering a ride that welcomes all colors, carrying worshippers' sincerity and abundant cultural heritages. The all female electronic band NekoJam, unapologetically scrambles house, electro and pop hooks, like throwing a time-traveling parade in the river of history.

已有三十多年歷史的 SXSW 首次將活動轉成線上模式,Taiwan Beats Showcase 邀請鄭宜農、滅火器、椅子樂團與妮可醬四組樂團,打破傳統演唱會經驗,分別以高山、傳統工廠、釣蝦場與宮廟等台灣本土風景做為 SXSW Online 舞台,結合現場演出與在地實景,由內而外展現台灣獨有的多元特色和文化樣貌。



椅子樂團為三人編制的雙主唱樂團,音樂有著迷幻搖滾、爵士等迷人老派氣質。釣蝦場在1980 年代風靡全台,同時也是普及的庶民休閒活動,後期更結合 KTV 、熱炒等複合式飲食娛樂,五花八門的另類拼湊正如椅子樂團三個大男孩讓人會心一笑的反差萌,以迷幻趣味的復古旋律導唱,帶領觀眾體驗色香味具全的台式衝擊。

台灣具有高度的包容性與多元化,有著許多不同的族群、語言與信仰,宮廟更是台灣人最熟悉的生活景色之一,集結來自眾人的溫柔祈願,以及深厚的文化底蘊;近年來更有打破性別限制的民俗藝陣,將電子音樂帶進廟會場景。組成超過10年、發跡於台中的全女子組合妮可醬壓軸登場,曲風融合 House、Electro 等流行音樂元素,在具有百年歷史的場域打造跨時空藝境。

演出名單 Lineup
鄭宜農 Enno Cheng
  / ennocheng  
00:14〈2017,你 2017, You〉
05:23〈玉仔的心 Jade〉
10:15〈千千萬萬 Lightyears of Solitude〉

滅火器 Fire EX.
16:35〈無名英雄 Stand Up Like A Taiwanese〉
20:11〈Don't You Fight〉
23:21〈繼續向前行 Keep on Going〉

椅子樂團 The Chairs
  / chairchairmusic  
27:59〈巴黎德州 Paris, Texas〉
32:31〈Dreaming with you〉
36:38〈Rolling on〉

妮可醬 NekoJam
  / nekojamband  
40:49〈Ain't waiting〉
44:10〈低調的情歌敗給了高調的情歌 Bling Bling〉

主辦單位 Official Organizer|文化部影視及流行音樂產業局 Bureau Of Audiovisual And Music Industry Development,MOC.
承辦單位 Executive Organizer|Young Team Productions
協辦單位 Cooperation|火氣音樂 FIRE ON MUSIC
監製 Executive Producer|好秀有限公司 Good Show Lab
影像製作 Video Production|順天堂影像製作工作室 Soft Paradise Studio
導演 Director|順 Shaun Liu、陳容寬 Chen Jung Kuan、林悅恩 Wayne Lin
攝影師 Cameraman|郭彥澤 Kuo Yen Ze、陳貞文 Chen Chen Wen、高興萱 Kao Hsing Hsuan、順 Shaun Liu、莊竣瑋 Chun Wei Chuang
製片 Line Producer|古朝瀚 Harry Goo
燈光師 Gaffer|吳儼育 Yen Wu
燈光助理 Lighting Technician |陳龍達 Lung da Chen、沈源 Yuan Shen、楊鈺銘 Yu Ming Yang、田俊榮 Jun Rong Tian
剪接師 Editor|白欣田 Cordelia Pai、朱威 Wei Chu
調光師 Colorist|李子璇 Chih Xuan Lee、魚魚 Fish Fish
製片助理 Producer To Assistant|宋佾庭 Yi Ting Sung、賴俊亘 Jyun Lai
平面側拍 Still Photographer|陳奕筑 Bana Chen
妝髮 Make Up|顏維音 Echo Yen、湯淑琳 Wawa Tang、王禎旎 Aura Wang、丁詩穎 Ting Shih yin、鄭飛鴻 Cheng Fei-Hung、吳岱蓉 Wu Tai-Jung

音樂總監 Music Director|盧律銘 Lu Luming
音響工程 Audio Engineer|角局音響 TCM Sound
現場錄音師 Recording Engineer|黃勝偉 Kane Huang
混音工作室 Mixing Studio|112F Recording Studio
混音師 Mixing Engineer|錢煒安 Zen Chien

媒體企劃 Media Organizer|子皿有限公司 In Utero
國際策略顧問 International Strategy Consultant|嚴敏 Mia Min Yen
主視覺設計 Key Visual Design|宋政傑 Cheng Chieh Sung

特別感謝 Special Thanks|露境東岳 Camping East Site、艋舺青山宮 Bangka Qingshan Temple、至善釣蝦場 Zhishan Shrimp Fishing

更多資訊 More Information|Taiwan Beats https://taiwanbeats.tw
#SXSW #SXSW2021 #SXSWOnline #TaiwanBeats
#EnnoCheng #FireEX #TheChairs #NekoJam


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