BABYMONSTER Asa, why fans saved the member who almost got eliminated

Описание к видео BABYMONSTER Asa, why fans saved the member who almost got eliminated

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베이비몬스터가 'SHEESH'로 놀라운 인기를 보여주고 있는 가운데
멤버들의 엄청난 실력도 주목받고 있죠.
그 중에서도 4월 17일 생일을 맞은 아사는
일본인 멤버이지만 랩, 보컬, 춤 거기에 프로듀싱까지
엄청난 능력치를 가지고 있는데요.
베이비몬스터의 아사에 대해 함께 알아볼까요?
밝혀지지 않은 루머를 퍼트리는 댓글이나
무분별한 악성 댓글은 삭제될 수 있음을 알려드립니다.

While BABYMONSTER is getting hugely popular with their song 'SHEESH',
the members are also getting a lot of attention for their incredible skills.
And one of the members, Asa from Japan, whose birthday is on April 17,
is so talented in so many ways,
from rap, to vocals, to dancing, to producing.
Let's learn about BABYMONSTER Asa!
Please note that we may delete any comments underneath this video
that are spreading unconfirmed rumors or being imprudently malicious.

#베이비몬스터 #babymonster #아사

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