How Emeline Rochefeuille Has Influenced My West Coast Swing Training & Dancing

Описание к видео How Emeline Rochefeuille Has Influenced My West Coast Swing Training & Dancing

I've always struggled with showing myself in the dance of West Coast Swing. Because WCS to me looks so different depending on who is dancing.

I love Semion for his clean lines and beautiful posture and frame.
I love Kyle Redd for his incredible footwork.
I love Robert Royston for his performance and shared moments he creates with his followers.
I love Jakub for his shapes, control and musicality
I could go on and on... There are so many great dancers, but they all have their own flavour... their own personal style and personal brand in the way they dance West Coast Swing. And that's really important.

If we're going to develop as dancers we need to move beyond the basic movements and establish our own style.

This video is all about that journey.

Big thank you to Emeline for her guidance and being such an inspiration to so many of us.

For the full interview between Glenn Ball and Emeline Rochefeuille check out Glenn's podcast 'What Judges Want' on Spotify. Emeline features on Season 2 - Episode 8.

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