Seirei Senshi Spriggan – PC-Engine | Translated cutscenes (English subs) | 60fps, CRT | 精霊戦士スプリガン

Описание к видео Seirei Senshi Spriggan – PC-Engine | Translated cutscenes (English subs) | 60fps, CRT | 精霊戦士スプリガン


[Upscaled re-upload for higher picture clarity over the original. In 1440p the second and 4th stage finally look a lot less blurry so I recommend watching in that resolution. I also added the japanese transcript as subtitles, in case people would like to compare]

Timestamps for cutscenes and intermissions with spoken dialogue:
00:02 - Prologue
02:45 - Intro
07:49 - Act1-intermission
10:34 - Act1-clear
15:27 - Act2-intermission
16:06 - Act2-clear
22:38 - Act3-intermission
24:00 - Act3-clear
30:46 - Act4-intermission
31:37 - Act4-clear
35:35 - Act5-intermission
38:30 - Act5-clear
42:11 - Act6-intermission
46:19 - Act7-intermission
47:14 - Act7-clear

This is a full playthrough of everyone’s favorite PC-Engine Shoot’em Up. ;)

With the release of the PC-Engine Mini and the game still not having gotten a full translation, I figured it’d be a nice little project to start off with.
Me being neither a professional translator, nor a native English speaker though, this of course won’t have the kind of quality you'd expect of something official. Since this was also my first attempt at subbing something and using a subtitle editing software, the timing and splitting of lines etc. will probably be a bit rough. Criticism and pointing out of errors (be it about grammar, the translation or other stuff) is of course very welcome since I want to improve for future projects. Just keep the above in mind and please don’t instantly teer and feather me. :)
For consistency, I re-used the names and terms of what was already there at the Spriggan-Wiki on The rest I came up with myself from what I think to have made out during the in-game cut-scenes. This can of course easily be altered if things sound too silly and/or people come up with better names.

As before, this is a capture that was done by filming the game running on an old CRT with an actual PC-Engine connected to it. Since I sadly can't adjust the exposition/frequency more precisely on this camera, I can't get rid of the strobe line - which I hope is not too distracting.

Besides that I’m glad this run turned out the way it did, since I hadn’t played this in years and only did one test run beforehand, during which the final boss pretty much handed my ass to me. Though the translation was my main focus with this, I still didn't want to annoy potential viewers by dying to dumb stuff left and right. XD

Concerning the game itself, I don’t think much else can be said about Spriggan that hasn't been already. Most people probably know it anyway by now and it’s imo really as good as everyone says. Great pixel art, superb soundtrack, technically flawless, fun gameplay and leveldesign, while also offering a cool and unique setting on top. Which hopefully, with this upload, people not proficient in Japanese might be able to enjoy even a bit more now.


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