Nadia Guerfi - Laâmar Yegour | نادية ڨرفي لعمر يڨور (Official Music Video)

Описание к видео Nadia Guerfi - Laâmar Yegour | نادية ڨرفي لعمر يڨور (Official Music Video)

Music, arrangements, mixage & mastering :
Toufik AMEUR
Lyrics : Abdelkarim HARKATE
Sound : Studio ARABECA
Manager : Mahdi LOTMANI
Directed by : Djaber DIAB
Produced by : Nadia GUERFI
Special thanks to Noureddine GUECHOUD
Follow Nadia GUERFI on

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Mai 2022 ©️
جميع الحقوق محفوظة

Lyrics :

life goes away

I waited and life goes away
I looked for him without finding him
How many days and months have I waited
The path is difficult, what can I add


He left me empty of feelings
How many tears i shed
I've searched the lands and crossed the seas
Lifeless for a long time and I still am


The moon has disappeared under the graves
The world has changed, what have I done ?
I love you with the fullness of my heart
The words I gave you are gone


The hands are empty and the feet are walking
I dreamed of your laughter and I remembered
Our memories with the horse
How much you talked and how much I listened

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