
Описание к видео ツムラ笹刈り刃、刃付け直し


The Tsumura "Sasakari-ba" is a specialized brush cutter blade. It is used for cutting small trees, thick brush, bamboo and thin stalks like sasa (Japanese bamboo grass). The blade is engineered for durability and precision, making it ideal for efficiently managing bamboo growth in gardening or forestry work.
The Sasakari-ba can be resharpened by filing each tooth individually. However, if extensive use in harsh conditions causes significant variation in the shape of the 30 teeth, leading to increased vibration during operation, the blade can be reshaped with a slow speed disk grinder before being resharpened. Unlike a tipped saw blade, a single Sasakari-ba can be used for a couple of years, making it an economical and environmentally friendly tool.


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