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M+ 希克藏品:中國當代藝術四十年 -- 講座
「超越前衛:三個中國藝術家的創作個案 」(第三部份)

從 1980 年代初期開始,很多尚在大學或者剛剛畢業的學生便不滿於官方奉行多年的「社會現實主義」風格,開始實踐現代主義的前衛風格。1984 年的全國美展拒絕了這些藝術家的參展,使得他們以自我組織的方式開始了一場全國範圍的新藝術革命,衝擊了陳舊的官方美學,史稱「八五新潮」。本次演講的三位講者丁乙、張培力和張曉剛都是在這場運動中開始自己叛逆的藝術生涯;在隨後的30多年的時間裡,他們又逐漸反思當時轟轟烈烈的「新潮美術」運動,通過不斷反思和自我否定,重新尋找藝術創造與社會、歷史甚至藝術本身的關係,並樹立了屬於自己更屬於這個時代的風格。本次演講試圖通過三位講者的個案分享,勾勒出藝術家如何建立起自我與周遭環境的批判性關係,從而發展出具有時代穿透力的藝術實踐。

日期: 2 月 23 日 (星期二)
時間: 晚上 6 時 30 分至 8 時 30 分
語言: 普通話(設粵語及英語即時傳譯)
講者: 藝術家丁乙、張培力及張曉剛
主持: 希克高級策展人(視覺藝術)皮力
地點: 香港大學黃麗松講堂

M+ Sigg Collection: Four Decades of Chinese Contemporary Art - Talk
Beyond the Avant-Garde: Practices of Three Chinese Artists (Part 3)

At the beginning of the 1980s, many university students or fresh graduates were unsatisfied with the established official socialist realism style. They began to pursue modernist avant-garde approaches. The 1984 National Art Exhibition barred these artists from participating and in response, these practitioners organised their own exhibitions and activities, starting a nationwide art revolution known as the 85 New Wave, which threatened the outmoded official aesthetics. The three speakers on this occasion— Ding Yi, Zhang Peili and Zhang Xiaogang—were all a part of the movement. Over the next thirty years, they began to reflect on this period in their careers, re-examining the relationship between artistic creation and art, society, and history. They established a style that defined this era. This talk outlines how these artists established a critical relationship with their environment to develop an epochal art practice.

Date: 23 February (Tuesday)
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Language: Mandarin, with Cantonese and English simultaneous interpretation
Speakers: Artists Ding Yi, Zhang Peili and Zhang Xiaogang
Moderator: Pi Li, Sigg Senior Curator, Visual Art
Venue: Rayson Huang Theatre, the University of Hong Kong

Website: http://www.westkowloon.hk/siggcollection
Facebook:   / mplushongkong  
Twitter: @WKCDA


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