Breaking Down The Highs And Lows Of The Office | Compilation

Описание к видео Breaking Down The Highs And Lows Of The Office | Compilation

We put together a 90 minute compilation of all our videos about The Office. Hope you enjoy!

The Office may go down as one of the best sitcoms ever put on television. Not only was it a ratings juggernaut, critically acclaimed, and beloved by fans across many generations, but The Office has a staying power not seen by many shows throughout history. The Office will forever be researched and directed, but nothing quite beats firing up that season 1 disc and restarting the series from the beginning.

#theoffice #michaelscott #dwightschrute #dundermifflin

00:00 - Michael Scott Changed
10:23 - Rules Behind the Chaos
18:51 - The Office Fixed Andy
28:15 - The Office Spin-Off Fail
37:00 - The Worst Episode
46:43 - Derailed The Final Season
54:25 - The Problem with Ryan
01:03:02 - The Office Went Global
01:10:59 - Why Michael Hates Toby
01:19:12 - Will Ferrell Not Funny


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