소불고기&간장계란밥먹방🍳Beef Bulgogi Soy sauce egg rice egg rice mukbang asmr eating show

Описание к видео 소불고기&간장계란밥먹방🍳Beef Bulgogi Soy sauce egg rice egg rice mukbang asmr eating show


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오늘은 소불고기랑 간장계란밥 먹었습니다
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여러분도 아침이나 점심에는 꼭 밥챙겨드세요 !

조언.걱정.피드백을 가장한 비아냥 거리는 댓글
좋지않은 분위기를 형성하는 댓글.악플은 삭제.차단.신고 하겠습니다

불편하신분들은 뒤로가기를 눌러주세요.


Hello, this is Hee-shi.
Today, I had soy sauce egg rice and bulgogi together:)
Eating eggs makes you full, so you'll be full all day long!
I think it's good to eat in the morning
The rich sesame oil scent was also really nice
It was delicious ♥

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