Bill Wilson's Psychedelic / Entheogenic "White Light Spiritual Experience" Explained

Описание к видео Bill Wilson's Psychedelic / Entheogenic "White Light Spiritual Experience" Explained

Following the December 1934 White Light Spiritual Experience, Bill W. spent the next thirty five years until his death seeking a renewal of his Towns Hospital “spiritual awakening.”
Bill Willson explains his psychedelic “White Light Spiritual Experience".

While under the care of William Duncan Silkworth at the Charles B. Towns Hospital in Manhattan, Friday December 14, 1934, Bill Willson would undertake the "Belladonna Cure". Every hour for 50 continuous hours, he was orally administered a mixture of Entheogenic Plants known as Deadly Nightshade, Henbane and Prickly Ash. The Alkaloids contained within these toxic hallucinogenic herbs were known to engender such "Spiritual Awakenings" as described here by Bill himself.

Following the December 1934 White Light Spiritual Experience, Bill W. spent the next thirty five years until his death seeking a renewal of his Towns Hospital “spiritual awakening.”

The genesis of Alcoholics Anonymous and the "Spiritual Awakening" known to many in the program as the only thing that could help an alcoholic to achieved life long sobriety was in fact discovered by Bill through with the molecules contained in some of nature's ancient wisdom.

God is nature, God is love, God is helping other's.


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