10 Things .NET developers need to know while using CosmosDB SQL API | PGHDOTNET

Описание к видео 10 Things .NET developers need to know while using CosmosDB SQL API | PGHDOTNET

10 Things .NET developers need to know while using CosmosDB SQL API | PGHDOTNET

Are you a .NET developer used to relational databases but curious about CosmosDB? Join us for a fast-paced talk where we’ll explore the top ten things you need to know to make the most of CosmosDB. We’ll start with the basics, explaining what CosmosDB is and how the SQL API fits into the picture.

We’ll tackle the big question: should you move your data to CosmosDB right away? Hint: it depends. You’ll learn how to store your data and the best ways to access it, as well as what your data will look like in this new environment. We’ll walk through the process of converting relational data into NoSQL data, and learn how to perform CRUD operations as a .NET developer.

Global distribution is a key feature of CosmosDB, and we’ll discuss what you need to consider to make the most of it. Performance and throughput measurement will be covered, along with tips on avoiding blocking calls to keep your applications running smoothly. Finally, we’ll explore logging and diagnostics to help you keep track of what’s happening under the hood.

This talk will mix code examples and learnings from real-world experience, providing you with practical tips and advice.

Photo curated by Balaji Kandasamy
Photo by Benjamin Voros on Unsplash


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