Manoeuvring of Lighting Pole Structures with Automatic Hooks | Smart Lifting Solutions | Elebia

Описание к видео Manoeuvring of Lighting Pole Structures with Automatic Hooks | Smart Lifting Solutions | Elebia

Two elebia evo10 automatic hooks with PMA option (Power Magnet and rigid safety latch) remotely engage and release a long beam that holds big lighting pole structures. The poles are being moved across different production processes until the final painting stage.

The operation has become much safer due to the fact that the engage of the load is now handled remotely and no operator has to climb to manually engage the the beams’ eyebolts to the crane hook.

Moreover, the power magnet and rigid safety latch option is the ideal fit for this application. The increased magnetic power eases the approach and engage process of the automatic hooks with the beam’s eyebolts.

The magnetic field generated by the magnet, will make quicker and easier centering and orientation of the hook. The fixed rigid safety latch, which forms a complete closed loop with the hook helps align the hooks to the fixed lifting point.

With the automatic engage and release of the lighting pole structures, the complete production process can be executed remotely. Hence, the company has enhaced safety and reduced time invested in each production process, increasing its productivity along the way.


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