MI High S04 E09 - Black Hole

Описание к видео MI High S04 E09 - Black Hole

Terry Zucker has invented the best vacuum cleaner in the world - just turn it on and cleans up all by itself. Every household in the UK has one, including the prime minister's. St Hope's have even got some.

Mr Flatley has won a holiday, but Mrs King will not allow him to abandon his teaching duties. She also needs him on hand to help clear up St Hope's. Mr Flatley has other ideas - he is going on this trip no matter what Mrs King says. He enlists his identical twin brother, Dave, to come and pretend to be him. Dave may look like Kenneth, but he's a very different fish. He is cocky, lazy and isn't afraid to put Mrs King in her place, which she finds very attractive indeed, much to Dave's annoyance.


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