Coop Moving 16 Seconds

Описание к видео Coop Moving 16 Seconds

We condensed 5 minutes and 46 second into 20x speed so it's 16 seconds. Here you'll see the latest poultry "biomimicry tech" on display, moving 6,000 chickens to fresh pasture autonomously using only solar power and electric motors. This coop is integrated with a hay field, where the farmer has completely eliminated synthetic fertilizer and replaced it with Pasturebird mobile floorless poultry. If you look closely, you'll see an additional advantage of the mobile system, which is quickly and efficiently removing any mortality from the coop. This can be a difficult and time consuming job in stationary housing systems, because locating any deceased birds among a sea of live birds takes time and skill. Another amazing thing about the mobile system is the ammonia level reads at a 0-1 PPM. Typical conventional housing can often read 30-70 PPM, representing a 30-70X decrease. What's that mean? Most likely a serious improvement to immune system function (this needs to be studied). And all the benefit of chickens fertilizing the field without the stink! #pastureraised #regenerativeagriculture #mobilecoop #biomimicry #solarpower


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