Indie Music Distribution

Описание к видео Indie Music Distribution

I went to SXSW 2024, so you don't have to!!

Let's talk about indie music distribution. How can you, as a creator, navigate the substantial world of self-service distribution? As an artist, learn to prioritize your needs independently before approaching these companies. Be clear, create a plan, and remain confident in your vision.

Want to learn more about my SXSW experience? Join me as I lay out helpful tips about industry partnerships, distribution companies, and understanding your specific needs.

#SXSW #SXSW2024 #ATX #entertainmentattorney #music #indiemusic #entertainmentlaw #musicdistribution

0:00 Indie Music Distribution
1:24 Major Labels Are Here To Develop Artists
4:30 Artist W/Team VS Label W/Artist
7:37 Do You Know What You Need as an Artist To Be Successful?


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