Episode 36 A Contrarian View on Fossil Fuels in the 21st Century

Описание к видео Episode 36 A Contrarian View on Fossil Fuels in the 21st Century

In this episode, Francis Menton talks about opening the floor to a contrarian view of fossil fuels' role in the 21st century. On climate and energy policy, Francis explains why banning fossil fuels will eventually hit a wall. As the man behind the blog Manhattan Contrarian, Francis talks about the cause that puts together bodies like the Global Warming Policy Foundation and American Friends, and why wind turbines and solar panels are insufficient energy sources.

In this episode, Francis talks about:

· The Global Warming Policy Foundation
· Why wind and solar energy will never be enough
· Our issue on global warming can disproportionately affect people on the lower end of the socio-economic scale
· Green energy is yet to discuss air travel
· What investing in Environmental Social Governance (ESG) focuses on
· and so much more!

To listen to the full episode:


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