Shaping Guitar Tone with the BOSS EQ-200 Equalizer Effect Pedal

Описание к видео Shaping Guitar Tone with the BOSS EQ-200 Equalizer Effect Pedal and Matthew Pryce demonstrate some great ways to use the new BOSS EQ-200 Equalizer pedal to shape different guitar tones. We combine the EQ-200 with the Analogman Sun Bender Mk1.5 fuzz pedal, the BOSS BD-2w Waza Blues Driver, and the BOSS DD-3 Digital Delay.

Matthew scoops the mids, filters the highs and low frequencies, and shows one of his personal favorite equalizer settings. As always, comment on any Sugaree Lick's demonstration videos to gain entry into our monthly pedal giveaways.

#boss equalizer #best eq #tone shaping

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