The Secret Weapon to Defeat Shiranui

Описание к видео The Secret Weapon to Defeat Shiranui

At WGP Singapore, we saw various decks take on and try to beat Shiranui, but then one deck popped up that nobody expected to do the job...

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   • WGP Deluxe 2024 Season 2 Singapore | ...  

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Description Tags: Cardfight!! Vanguard, CFV, ヴァンガード, カードファイトヴァンガード, Digimon, Digimon TCG, Card Games, Shadowverse, TCG, CCG, OCG, SV, Hearthstone, Yugioh, Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Pokémon TCG, Pokemon, One Piece TCG, One Piece, OPTCG, Dragon Ball Fusion World, Kairi

#CFV #CardfightVanguard #ヴァンガード


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