Learning to surf in Arica, Chile

Описание к видео Learning to surf in Arica, Chile

A short video about learning to surf at a course of Escuela De Surf Arica. Arica is the northest city of Chile and a very popular and important surf spot. There's a lot of waves to everybody: from the beginner friendly splashes of Chinchorro beach to the huge and dangerous El Gringo and El Buey wave. You might see big sea turtles, sea wolves and even dolphins while surfing!

The main holiday season starts in January, so i'd recommend to go there bit before that. The video was shot during the December. The surf and beach season ends when waters of the city river rush down from the mountains, bringing a lot of rubbish to the beaches.

We recommend the surf school of Marcelo: Escuela De Surf Arica! It's at the green container at the Chinchorro beach.
  / latortugayescueladesurfarica  

CC licensed music:
Jenifer Avila - El Tranva


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