Baltic Breakfast: Gulf of Riga herring – the only healthy Baltic herring stock

Описание к видео Baltic Breakfast: Gulf of Riga herring – the only healthy Baltic herring stock

Why is the Gulf of Riga herring in better shape than the herring in the rest of the Baltic? Is it management or the environment – or both? Are there any lessons to be learned for management of other stocks? What are the future prospects? Those are some of the questions asked at this Baltic Breakfast.

Ivars Putnis, Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment (BIOR) in Latvia

Olavi Kaljuste, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Analyst at the Department of Aquatic Resources; Population analysis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU-Aqua).

Moderator: Charles Berkow, Advocacy and Analysis Officer, Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre


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