Parental Alienation-Part 3 of 3: How to Prove It, And What Can Be Done To Fix It

Описание к видео Parental Alienation-Part 3 of 3: How to Prove It, And What Can Be Done To Fix It

Law Office of Kelly Peterson , (801) 616-3301

This interview (3 of 3) explains how to prove alienation, and effective remedies a court can fashion to deal with alienation. What can be done about it. It also supplements part 1 a bit. Parts 1 and 2 describe the behaviors of the alienating parent, the behaviors of the alienating child, the type of harm caused to the alienated child (in part 1) and common misconceptions and "judicial myths"myths surrounding alienation, and why so many professionals mishandle alienation How judges, therapists and Guardian ad Litems most commonly mishandle parental alienation cases (in part 2).


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