How To Install CyanogenMod 10.1 Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean on the Nexus 7!

Описание к видео How To Install CyanogenMod 10.1 Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean on the Nexus 7!

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Download CM11 on your Nexus 7 2012 or 2013!
How To Video here:    • How To Install CyanogenMod 11 (CM11) ...  

Not only is this a how to install video, but I also run through some of my FAVORITE things about CM10.1 (CyanogenMod 10.1) and show you some of the things I first do when I install this rom.

07/13/2013 Update - I'm doing my BEST to keep my videos descriptions up to date, including this one! CM10.1.2 is out, and it's rock freaking solid on the Nexus 7. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND going with CM10.1.2 as it fixes a HUGE "Masterkey Exploit" and anything before CM10.1.1 is vulnerable! But the stable build is rock solid and you shouldn't have any issues!

Update: CM10.1 is 100% Stable now!
MD5: e2113c0b2fee4dd0c6528f94f81fa6df

Here is the version for the Nexus 7 (GSM)
MD5: 8d284249f71c02b4bec4c7a0da6e2dac

How to root the Nexus 7:    • How To EASILY Unlock, Root, and Insta...  

You HAVE to be rooted to use GooManager and install TWRP recovery, which you will HAVE TO HAVE in order to install CM10.1

WiFi Nexus 7:
GSM Nexus 7:

Choose your Gapps:

goo is being terribly slow right now, so I'll link to my mirror of the latest gapps meant for 10.1 (Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean) below!
MD5: 5f22f046e37038a3856eeb825e73d4ed

Thanks Kyle (AnAm85) for the awesome intro!
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**** Android Rooting/Modifying Disclaimer ****
You are making these modifications to your device. You understand that I can't be held responsible if you do not follow directions and brick your device. You are the only person responsible if you brick your device, as you're the one choosing to modify your devices. You are voiding your warranty by rooting, making modifications, and install custom roms. There is a SOFT BRICK where you can recover your device with an RUU, SBF, TAR, or etc. Then there is a HARD BRICK where you can NOT recover your device and have to pay FULL PRICE for a new phone. I encourage you to watch the WHOLE VIDEO before following along and continuing to void your warranty. In most cases you can unvoid your warranty by flashing back to stock, as your carrier (in most cases) will NOT be able to tell you ever modified your device. With HTC, they do put "RELOCKED" on your bootloader, so that's an exception to the rule. With Samsung, they show how many times you've modified your device (a flash counter). You CAN reset it in most cases with Chainfire's TriangleAway app (Click here: You have been warned! Rooting (most of the time) is safe and a lot of times, noob proof. But not following directions CAN result in a soft or hard brick. Thank you for listening, if you read all of this!


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