Shifter: Bye Bye

Описание к видео Shifter: Bye Bye

Hey Kids,

My time at YouTube has come and gone. I'm not slamming the door, but I don't have any plans to post here regularly ever again. My online life will transfer back to where all things Dan will thrive. I will continue to make films. Hopefully, these films will be longer, better, and more meaningful. These future films will be hosted on Vimeo and posted on I plan to FINALLY begin sending an email newsletter to teach others how to do the same because when it comes to selling books, there is nothing better than a serious newsletter database. (Many people come to me for help selling their books.)

My primary delivery mechanism will be stills and copy. My first love. If you take a look at the post from two days ago, the post regarding documentary photography vs street photography, you will see and read the kind of thing I'm most happy sharing. However, although photography is important, it ain't the only thing, so I will also continue to post things that I feel will make all of us better human beings.

The only benefit of YouTube is YOU. You have made this worthwhile for me. Hopefully, we remain amigos and I see you at Shifter. Thank you! Siempre juntos.


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