Entrevista com José - URUGUAI -

Описание к видео Entrevista com José - URUGUAI -

José Mujica, apelidado de Pepe Mujica, foi presidente do Uruguai de 2010 a 2015. Ex-guerrilheiro dos Tupamaros, entre os anos 60-70, foi preso como refém pela ditatura entre 1973 e 1985. Ele prega uma filosofia de vida em torno da sobriedade: aprender a viver com o que é necessário e o que é justo.

In order to share this unique image bank everywhere and for everyone,
HUMAN exist in several version :
A theatre version (3h11) , a tv version (2h11) and a 3 volumes version for the web. Music by Armand Amar.

Veja os 3 volumes do filme a partir do 12 de setembro em :    • Human Extended version  

Escritorio de Yann Arthus-Bertrand : [email protected]
Gerente do projeto : [email protected]
Difusões não comerciais : [email protected]

Se desejar ver mais conteúdos :
Site oficial de HUMAN : http://www.human-themovie.org
Para mais conteúdos http://g.co/humanthemovie
Compartilham as suas reações nas redes sociais #WhatMakesUsHUMAN.

Todas as tomadas são esquemas de compensação de carbono a traces do programa de Ação Unida Carbono da GoodPlanet Foundation : http://www.goodplanet.org/en/united-c...

Escolha as legendas (CC) para conhecer os países onde as imagens foram filmadas e descobrir o nome dos entrevistados.

WOMAN, Yann Arthus-Bertrand's next movie

Following in the footsteps of his previous film, HUMAN, Yann Arthus-Bertrand is now dedicating his next full-length feature film, WOMAN, to women. This documentary featuring thousands of voices and unique life stories narrated by women, gives us an insight into their lives, and reveals the progress made towards emancipation but also demonstrates how much remains to be done. With this new film, Yann Arthus-Bertrand seeks to speak out against the injustices suffered by women across the world. But above all, in this world devised, built and dominated by men where the future is uncertain, the goal of WOMAN is to offer an alternative view. That of women.

HUMAN exhibition !

Come and discover an exclusive 8 hours film exhibition at the GoodPlanet Foundation – Domaine de Longchamp, Paris.
Unprecedented installations offering unique testimonies of love, happiness, but also hatred and violence, which confront us with the Other and bring us back to our own lives.
More information on www.goodplanet.org
Youtube :    • Видео  


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