The One With You Is Greater / Joyce Meyers Devotional

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"The One With You Is Greater"

"Be strong and courageous. Be nit afraid or dismayed before the kong of Assyria and all the horde that is with him, for there is Another with us greater than with him." 2 Chron 32:7

Good morning and happy Friday! Thanks for tuning in today. This quick devotional reading is from Joyce Meyer's book, "the power of being thankful. "

I have thoroughly been enjoying this devotional. It has spoke to me every single day. God is surely up to something when he put this in my hands, and each day speaks to me personally as though it was a special gift of a word for me that day. I pray that the Lord has been speaking to your heart and encouraging you as well.

Today's topic is about how great our God is, so much that we can count on him no matter what. I know a lot of times we put our trust in man or faith in man to be there, and they let us down. It could be a boss, coworker, friend, even a family, member, or spouse. But our God, loves us so much that he will never leave, nor for sake us. We may go through trials and tribulations a time or two that we cannot avoid, but God will carry you through and teach you something through it to.

If you're facing a battle today, as most of us are, and remember you're not alone. You don't have to face any of those bottles alone, thankfully.

God wants to keep you with the spirit of peace and joy and each and every day. As you place your trust and faith in Him today. He will carry you all the way.

Love you friends; keep up the prayer life...

- Sarah with Mornings with Momma Apple 🍎

Photo Note:  Aug 2024

One of my loves is hiking. I connect with God so much when I see the grander of his nature. This is Gooseberry Falls in northern Minnesota. Just a short little hike down to the waterfalls to see such a wonder. It reminds me of God's goodness when I look back at all the beauty he has made. What is something you can thank God for today and all that He has made?


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